Does Pairaphrase support XLIFF files?

This article explains how Pairaphrase supports XLIFF files.

XLIFF File Format Information

XLIFF is an OASIS Standard, it's purpose is to provide users with a standard file format, independent of any single application, to transfer data that requires translation into other languages. It provides users with interoperability capabilities between content creating applications and translation software. It's commonly used in the development and translation of software applications and eLearning courses.

Pairaphrase supports XLIFF 1.2 and 2.0 files. Users can import, translate & edit, and export XLIFF 1.2 and 2.0 files with Pairaphrase and any application that generates XLIFF files and supports translation and the import and export of XLIFF files.

XLIFF 2.0 features include improved segmentation, improved file structure and reduced complexity, making it easier to parse. Need help? Contact us via online chat for the fastest customer support.